Consumer Credit Collections Package
BundlePackage includes 50 minute video on Consumer Credit Collections overview and 36 minute video on Collections Conduct Guidelines and quizzes. Updated to 1 April 2020.
Introductory Package Financial Services
BundleThis package is suitable for a person if they are a new employee in the financial sector or are returning to work after a break or just need a refresher.
5 x $120
Banking Code of Practice Introduction
CourseAbout the Banking Code of Practice 2019: who it applies to and understanding bank obligations (25 minute video plus quiz).
Introduction to small business lending
CourseAn introduction to the regulation of small business lending including provisions of the Banking Code of Practice and the unfair contract terms regime of the ASIC Act.
Introduction to Guarantees
CourseA 20 minute video and quiz about the rules for lenders taking and managing consumer and small business guarantees and understanding the risk factors
Introduction to banking and financial services regulation
Coursethe law, the regulators and customer issues. A 20 minute video